What we do
Our work focuses on ensuring that people with deafblindness are able to access education, healthcare and the means to earn a living, so that they can thrive and live life to their full potential.

around the world were screened for sight and hearing impairments last year.

were trained on deafblindness, including government officials, community leaders, education professionals and health professionals.

with deafblindness received specialist educational support at home or in school last year.

with deafblindness gained vocational skills to find work or establish a livelihood.
Our work
We work to identify children with deafblindness as early as possible in life so that, with the right support, they are able to thrive.
We also improve access to quality education and vocational training so that children and young people with deafblindness can become independent, establish a livelihood, and meet their full potential.
Our work takes a rights-based approach. We support people with deafblindness and their families to challenge stigma, discrimination and other barriers that exist within society so that their rights are recognised and realised – now and in the future.