Corporate support

People with deafblindness often face significant barriers to communication, education, employment, and inclusivity. Your company’s support can break down these barriers.  

At Sense International, we believe in the power of collaboration to create a world where everyone with deafblindness or multi-sensory impairments can thrive. By partnering with us, your organisation can drive significant social change and support people with deafblindness. 

Charity of the year 

If you choose Sense International as you Charity Partner, we will be beside you all the way to deliver a partnership that goes beyond fundraising.  

Our experienced team can provide guidance and support to help maximise the impact of the partnership. Our global commitment to support people with deafblindness is backed by regular impact assessments and success stories, providing tangible evidence of how your support is making a difference. 

Employee engagement 

Engage your employees with opportunities to give back through fundraising, including events like the London Marathon and volunteering opportunities that boost morale, build teamwork, and foster a sense of purpose within your organisation. 

Lunch and learn, and Sign Language Classes 

Organise lunch and learn or sign language classes and be a highly effective way to learn and raise awareness about deafblindness. Our team can deliver interesting, fun, and rewarding talks on the impact of our work internationally. 

Corporate sponsorship opportunities 

Support our programmes and initiatives through direct sponsorship. Your company can choose to sponsor specific projects, events, or campaigns that align with your values and business goals. 

Nominate Sense International for a corporate foundation grant 

Our team can assist employees with the application process. Every donation helps us increase the number of people we can support globally. 

Payroll and match giving 

Payroll giving allows employees to donate to us directly from their salary, providing a regular gift that helps us plan and ensure the stability of our programs.  

Matching donations doubles the impact, helping us deliver more support to people with deafblindness across the globe. 

The impact of your support 

When you partner with Sense International, you join us in transforming lives of people with deafblindness worldwide.  

For more information, please contact Tanya King, Philanthropy Manager, at