Trusts and foundations

Trusts and foundations are key partners in our work to support children and young people with deafblindness around the world to live, learn and thrive.

From identifying infants with sensory impairments at an early age, to ensuring that children and young people with deafblindness receive education and training to meet their full potential, charitable trusts and foundations partner with us because of the transformational impact that our work has on individual lives. 

How to support us

Our trust and foundation partners choose to support us in several ways: 

Get in touch

If you are a trust or foundation interested in partnering with us to support children and young people with deafblindness, please contact Rosalind Hodgson, Trusts and Foundations Manager:

Phone: 0203 833 0562

“The teacher training workshops we visited were truly imaginative and engaging for all involved…One important reason for our engagement with Sense International has been the drive to extend their impact by effecting change through advocacy.” 

– The Karlsson Játiva Charitable Foundation

Sense International would like to thank all our partner trusts and foundations for their vital support, which is enabling us to make a difference to people with deafblindness around the world.

Due diligence 

We understand that you may want to learn more about the way we work and how we run our organisation before choosing to partner with us. You may also wish to ensure that our principles and priorities align.