Tools for success: 30 Years of Supporting Changemakers

We at Sense International are celebrating 30 years of leading change, and alongside us, Dennis is turning 30 too. 

Budding entrepreneur Dennis is blind and partially deaf. For him, finding a job in Kenya, where unemployment levels are high, was daunting. But he was determined to start earning his own way in life. 

Dennis gained a place at Sikri Technical and Vocational Training Institute, known for its inclusive education. There, he was supported to utilise his sense of touch by training as a masseur. Dennis chose to specialise in Japanese Shiatsu massage and couldn’t wait to start offering his services to his community. 

Full of confidence and equipped with a bed, mattress and towel, he felt ready to go. Unfortunately, these very basic facilities kept his service charges low, making financial independence seem out of reach. 

A man standing in a therapy room.

This is where our program at Sense International Kenya stepped in. Through our micro-entrepreneurs program, we provided Dennis with the tools he needed to succeed—including professional massage oils and a private space to practice his massages. But more than that, we offered Dennis financial training to build his confidence in the value of his services. 

“When Sense International located me, life changed!”  – Dennis

Now able to offer a professional service, Dennis attracts a clientele who pay the right price for his service. He has since launched a home calls service for customers unable to travel to his workplace or who prefer to be in their own home.  

Dennis’ reputation and confidence have grown. Nearby health facilities refer clients to him, and he has taken part in a live interview with his local radio station, Ramogi FM.   

No longer dependent on his parents, Dennis is now the head of his own household, providing for his young family. At 30 years old, Dennis is leading change in his community, just as we at Sense International have been doing for the past 30 years. 

Read more stories of our changemakers